How do I recognise the presence of borer beetles?
Some beetles invade wood used in construction and furniture making; others limit
their activity to forests or roots of living trees. Woodboring beetles are commonly
detected a few years after a new construction. The lumber supply may have contained
wood infected with beetle eggs or larvae, and since beetle life cycles can be one
or more years, several years may pass before the presence of beetles becomes noticeable.
The first step is deciding whether there is an active infestation. You
may be inspecting old damage. An active infestation will have borings in piles that
are accumulated on the floor below or near the holes. You may also hear a ticking
sound made by the larvae. If the damage is old and not currently active, you do
not have to treat it.
The presence of borer beetles will be most evident in attics, crawl spaces, unfinished basements, surface of wooden floors and storage areas.